We {The Company} stand by our strategies and student results from the program/course {The Wedding Lead Chatbot Marketing Accelerator} and desire to give you the same. And because all we care about are getting students results, we offer a 100% Implementation Refund Policy.
As stated in our terms of service we have so much conviction in our strategies that if you {The Student In Course and Business Owner} have great photography and implement everything in the course, you will get results.
The 100% implementation policy is what we have found to be the most fair to our new students, and students getting results and working hard to learn and take action. It is the only way to truly track and see if everything was implemented like our other students so clients cannot take advantage.
If you desire to claim a refund, below is a checklist of everything we’ll need to see as proof that you have implemented everything in the Wedding Lead Chatbot Marketing Accelerator Course and proof that you have not generated any leads.
There are NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE listed below.
After working with over 200+ students, we’ve found it is nearly impossible to not get results after doing everything listed here that is taught in the course.
But if for some reason you did not get leads you’ll receive a refund.
Our students who have gotten amazing results had to work hard and do a minimum of what is listed on this checklist to generate leads and clients. By being a part of this course it is important that you understand that though we teach you everything you need to know, it is your job to take action. It is your job to make the time. The results in your business are 100% your responsibility.
We stand by our strategies, student results, and desire to generate you the same! So if you have done everything on this list and you have proof of NOT generating any leads at all, you will qualify for a 100% money back guarantee.