Capitol Hill Wedding D.C. – Anna & Ryan

What could be better than starting off the morning with your closest friends and then getting to see your beloved before you’ve even had time to get nervous?

But before their First Look Anna took the time to incorporate ‘something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a half penny in her shoe’. The something old was her mom’s wedding dress which had been tailored to remove the 80’s sleeves and looked fabulous! Her cute pink shoes were new, while her pedicure was blue. Then the borrowed was also the penny in her shoe. It was the same penny her Grandmonmie wore in her shoe on her wedding day – September 3, 1950. What a legacy, we love it!

Once it was time for the First Look, Ryan remembers thinking, “When do I turn? Now? Not yet? When? I thought Anna was going to tap me on my shoulder, but she was too teared up and ended up just calling out to me.

The Wedding

After their first moment together, seeing each other at the ceremony was no less special. Anna shared what was going through her mind right as she was about to see Ryan again for their ceremony. “In the moments before my Dad and I walked into the sanctuary, I remember thinking how beautiful and kind each of my bridesmaids is and how excited I felt to walk in and see Ryan! We had been together earlier in the day for our first-look photos, but there was something really special about being right on the edge of marrying him!”From the very beginning, Ryan and Anna’s joyful spirits and infectious smiles infused every moment of their wedding day!

According to Ryan, it’s hard to pick just one joyful moment, but it was probably when they were “finally actually exchanging our vows, that instant when we pledged ourselves to each other and went from being not married to married — we’d been waiting so many months for that moment!” Similarly, Anna expresses feeling so full of joy in their ceremony. “Being in my beloved church, standing with my love in the bright light of the stained glass windows–it was completely beautiful and so full of life!”

They’re Married!

Anna: Married life has been great so far! We had a very peaceful and life-giving honeymoon in Southwest Harbor, Maine and have now moved to Pennsylvania. In some ways, despite all the moving and change, the transition has been so easy that it almost doesn’t feel real–but we really did get married! We live together now! Even making the bed and washing dishes is fun, which I’m sure won’t last, but right now, it’s just so great to be in a home together!

Ryan: So far so good! =)

Anna and Ryan, we’re so happy for you two, and thanks for the special opportunity to capture a wedding at the same church where Ruth and I were married!


Gonzalez J. Wedding Photography

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